I spent the better part of yesterday figuring out what quest to do next now that I have both my fur lined gloves and boots. By accident I completed the Lora Tay Seamstress quest, but I did so looking for the cave for the cat's ears quest. Originally I thought I might complete the Santa Presents quest. Obtaining the purple and blue presents was easy enough (you could do it with just monster points if you accumulated enough), but the green boxes are only dropped by Santa Slimes and only .5% of the time. At this point Santa slimes are really difficult for me to kill, I take too much damage from his reindeer slimes. I tried a lure and bait technique on the reindeer slimes which works to an extent, but either Santa would summon more reindeer slimes or other players would jump into the fray and destroy a bunch using magic, leaving me without my hard earned kill.
I decided the next quest isn't a quest at all but to go after enough bats so that I can save up for better armor, 100,000GP plate armor.
I did manage to get a green box. Santa slimes can be defeated by running around and using a hunt-and-peck method of targeting them while avoiding their minion reindeer slimes.