Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gak, Gak, Gak, Sweets

So if you read my last post you'll know the Halloween event is on and Gak is the skeleton begging for parts. In the last post I alluded to the fact that Gak needs a tongue and a bunch of bones. How many bones Gak needs is random, but talking with other players it seems to range between 10 to 30 bones. Gak punished me by taking 22 bones before he started yapping about how hungry he was for sweets. I'm not the highest bone count by any stretch, but I ended up spending a lot of money on bones that was going to go towards coal for a steel shield. After the Halloween quest I think this is my quest.

To my knowledge no one yet has given Gak enough sweets that he's given up any goods. Gak keeps a running total of all sweets given to him. I spoke with Natibe, whom I remember played 11 months ago, and Natibe had already given Gak over 1500 treats to my 350 or so.

It seems that the event will probably end and players present for the ending will get a reward based on the amount of treats given to Gak. This makes me wonder what the rubber bats are for? If rubber bats are not treats then what purpose do they serve, or will they become a component for spells later?

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