This evening I had some big help from a player named Knight who joined me hunting Mogguns -- though it was more like I was joining him, he was much more powerful. Knight dropped 3 Coal for me, which was the same amount I managed to get on my own. He was using lightning, which requires ore. I have lots of iron ore, but only had 3 ore on me. I dropped 3 ore for him. Ore isn't quite as valuable since it's easier to get, yellow slimes are easy to kill, even for me (level 52 now).
Earlier in the day I mentioning being inches from getting chaps. I sold enough from my stash and got the chaps.
Shortly after a player named Mistakes held off spiders, snakes and other monsters so I could visit the chest to the north and obtain the short sword for the future Setzer quest.
Thanks Mistakes and Knight!
Im knight, thanks :D