Monday, November 15, 2010

Zoix, Stacking, and the Infantry Helm

Big thanks to Zoix for stacking with me in the Hurnscald mines and for the Infantry Helm (+15 defense). Previously I was using the silk bandana (+10 defense). We fought off spiders, black scorpions, and red slimes for a significant amount of time, enough to get me within 12% of leveling. Garnah and another player whose name begins with T, but I forget (sorry) helped me to the next level (we killed yellow slimes and various skulls). I actually hit the skulls a few times and both players would heal me.

After I spent quite a bit of time in the Moggun mines securing only 3 Coals despite killing something like 50 Mogguns, and that was with one player giving me a coal (again I've forgotten the name, but I promise to edit next time we meet). This is the second time the player (wearing a skirt) has helped me with Mogguns and Coal. So Thanks to everyone!

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