It's quite common for characters to get poisoned during the course of playing, especially at low levels. Around level 70 I started building up a bit of an immunity (idea for devs: if you get poisoned so many times you should start to build up an immunity to that particular poison - e.g. grass snake) against regular snake poison - they still poison me, but the effect seems less devastating than before. Scorpions and spiders still poison me on occasion, but their poison is also less devastating than before.
Mountain Snakes and Grass Snakes still bite with a nasty poison. What I've found is that the poison doesn't actually kill you, it just reduces you to a very low amount of hit points. I have around 600hp and usually get reduced to 20-29hp when poisoned by grass snakes. If you get poisoned try to stay away from mobs of monsters or fast moving monsters that hit quickly. If a monster only does 1 or 2 points of damage you can usually slay the monster while poisoned, but avoid groups because 4 or 5 hp strikes can be deadly when you're poisoned.
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