I've mentioned more than a few times that there's a great TMW community. Most of the players, developers and GMs are amazingly helpful, but occasionally you do run into people that are just crude, rude, or abusive. That was the case this evening while I was working on the 1,000 sea slime quest. A couple of players, or maybe one player with a bot in tow, decided to start cursing up a storm at me when I didn't immediately answer him (I was fighting sea slimes). It wasn't as if they kept saying hi and I ignored them, but even if I was there's no excuse for abuse (the server rules list this as rule number one). In the screenshot below it appears they're swearing at one another, but it's not the case, I just snapped the screenshot at the wrong time. They made it pretty clear it was directed at me by running all over my character shouting the insults while they tried grabbing drops (not that the drops, mostly bugs legs were all that useful to me). Still, be wary that there are uncouth people in the game... and if you happen to see these jokers (luxciano & santiagoroda) in your travels don't help them out -- let the abusive players fend for themselves.
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