Sunday, March 31, 2013

10 Pairs of Leather Gloves

Fighting Mountain Snakes
So begins the next crazy quest, to obtain 10 pairs of leather gloves. If you haven't guessed yet it's not a real quest. In the past I've set created several of my own quests to keep the game interesting, there's only so much you can do before the release of new quests. I find making your own quests up makes the game more interesting, especially when masses of people are grinding on a particular quest.

So what about the statistics? Well there's about a 0.02% chance of a snake dropping a pair of gloves. My first pair dropped at roughly 130 mountain snake kills. The second pair dropped before I hit 200 mountain snake kills. Now I'm up to 326 kills, but no pairs of gloves have dropped since. Other drops include 22 Mountain Snake eggs, 19 Mountain Snake tongues, and 5 snake skins.

At 326 mountain snake kills I've accumulated 166602 experience points. At this rate it will take over 26,000 mountain snakes for me to level on mountain snakes alone (no, not my goal here and even I'm not that crazy).

The rules: no killing other monsters (except red slimes who live in the same cavern), pick up everything, stick to the same spots (it seems to help).

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