Friday, March 8, 2013

Luvia with verdo, Taco and veryape

Fighting Luvia
A big thanks to Verdo, Taco and Veryape for their help with the Illya sisters quest tonight. Veryape and I made it to Luvia, but bit the bucket under the pressure of all the guards, demons and of course Luvia herself. Verdo got slammed by a stack during a minor lag and I threw Veryape off when I split the guards. Having never even been to the guards before it was a great 4th experience.

I'm still not used to dropping Laurizite... not a fan of that part of the quest, but we did it in a time that wasn't terrible. Thanks to Veryape for the chicken legs loan, will try to remember I owe you 40.
I've seen verdo playing in various spots for as long as I remember playing since I started playing again (I've left TMW a few times, once near the end of 2004 and 2007). Since I started playing again in 2011 he's been around and is a really stand up player.

Because I don't see guild members anymore I never know who they are, but I believe veryape is one of the members of CRC (of which I'm also a member). Veryape and I cooperatively killed Terranites before and was quite happy to share... now he's past me by having finished Luvia a few times.

Only Taco I don't know that well, but he was incredibly helpful with instructions and is powerful. Thanks Taco for joining us, we needed a strong mage.

Earlier, inside Luvia's area fighting her guards.
Again, thanks to all 3 for their help, it's certainly the furthest I've gotten... and we did it on the HARDEST level of the Illya sisters. I didn't know this until veryape mentioned it just before we took on Luvia.

Hoping to get a heart of isis when I finally do finish because I'm not much of a rager (still not fast enough to get the skill)...

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