Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Get naked - the crazy things that happen in TMW

This is a crazy story, bear with me for a moment. So I decided to host a round of Candor. In the last minute before Candor started my laptop wireless bugged out. No matter what I did with the wireless switch it wouldn't turn  back on, so I rebooted...

Of course by the time I logged in again Candor had already started. And stupid me, I had exactly 23,000 GP, the amount it cost to start and advertise Candor, but not enough to get home.

So I decided to get naked in an attempt to kill myself outside of Candor, thus returning home. The first thing I attacked was a Clover patch...

Wouldn't you know it... a 4 leaf clover dropped!

Naked in the clover patches. What luck (bad then good).

1 comment:

  1. That's a nice story :)
    And a nice blog you have there!

    ~ Cassy
